Solution for Text Editing of a Higher Number of Scripts.
Latin (English) and Greek (Russian) has 26 to 33 scripts.
Both are accommodated in the system key board one letter one key, which is easier for typing.
More numbers of scripts require more keys, which makes fingering difficult.
The present method of accommodating the existing keys is putting two letters per key makes typing difficult.
In mobile, the screen space available is suitable for lesser number of scripts.
Mostly more than one page is there for arranging the letters, which also makes it difficult for editing.
The solutions offered for text editing in those scripts are typing through English. i.e Transliteration method. This approach is something is better than nothing is.
A different approach is require to address this problem.
Easy Typing Solutions
Combination of numbers with control keys will get you an alphabet.
9 numbers with control keys will give you up to 54 letters which will cover almost all languages.
Indian Sub Continent and some Arabic script using languages will find it easier to text and edit their languages.
Our Vision
Digital Text Communication facility should be easy in Indian Scripts.
Our Mission
Present mode texting mainly based on English in digital mediums. 50+ letters of Indian Scripts are finding difficult to adjust and Transliteration method suggested as an alternate which bars the non English knowing population. An alternate method for Indian scripts should be evolved to enable all Indians to text in their mother tongue.
Details about the Product Name
Easy Typing Solutions is the name of the product suggests that Indian Sub Continent people should be able to text easily in their mother tongue as good as English.
Aims to solve the problem
The present method texting based on English which has only 26 letters and 50+ Indian Scripts are finding difficult to fit in this and to achieve this is very difficult and they suggest transliteration method. Simplified Arrangement into Rows and columns of Alphabets for Digital Application (SARADA) is the new concept to help the Indian people to text easily in their mother tongue without the help of English.
Product Features
The combination of number key and control key will give you the alphabet which is shown in the charts.
The letters are arranged in 3×3 matrix which is in force in button mobiles and Num-Lock portion of the System.
The arrangement are in layers depending the numbers of the letters the layer changes.
This arrangement is common for all digital mediums and this made ETS as a UNIQUE Method for all digital mediums which is a new concept
The size of the system key board got considerably reduced with the reduction of keys to 35 and became portable.
All the charts including various combinations are Copy Righted